Thursday, November 16, 2017


This perspective was developed by french geographers led by Vidal de Lablache. It developed as a reaction and counter thesis to extreme generalization of determinism.
                   It asserts that nature provides options,the number of which increases as knowledge and technology of culture develops. So,course of human civilization is decided by the selection of an option among many possible options by the culture itself depending upon its nature.
1.Cultivation of rice in USA,Canada, Australia,Pakistan.
2.Shifting of wheat areas towards rice(punjab,haryana) due to GR.
3.Cultivation of banana,rice,rubber in Australia.
4.Tulip cultivation by dutch farmers under green houses.

1.Promotes over anthropocentrism in geography
2.Despite technological advancement, man cannot get rid of physical environment.Ex-Resources depleting,natural disasters like Tsunami,etc.
3.Man cannot go against the plan of nature and environment as it will lead to problems in long run.
4.Discourage study of physical environment and its effect on man.

Griffith Taylor was a notable critic of possibilism

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