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Heartland Theory

Concept was given by Mackinder in 1919 in his book ,”Democratic Ideals and reality”.It was modification of Pivot concept given by him in 1909 in his book,”Geographical pivot of history”.Concept of heartland was influenced by Bolshevik revolution and emergence of USSR as world power.
                       According to him, geography is history and geography is cause.He tried to  explain how geographical advantages results in geopolitical domination.His theory successfully explains emergence of USSR as great power which he thinks is result of geographical advantages.


1.Pivot Area (Ural-arctic-siberian highland-central asian mountains; Rich natural resources;natural fortress;Symbolizes Land power)
2.Inner crescent(Europe except UK,West asia,South asia,East and Far east asia;Sea power;accessible and prone to invasion)
3.Outer Crescent(new world;not in race of power struggle;UK,US,Japan,Australia)

In 1919, concept of pivot area was modified into Heartland concept in wake of emergence of USSR.Heartland area was much larger area which apart from pivot area included european plains and Steppe as well.Ukrainian Steppe was single entry point for heartland.
                 World Island includes interlinked continent of Asia,europe and Africa which includes 7/8th of population and 3/4th of landmass.

According to him, one who commands eastern europe,rule heartland;one who commands heartland,rules world island and one who commands the world island rules the world.

After first world war, UK and US emerged as great powers which was not envisaged by Heartland theory of Mackinder. Thus he gave concept of Midland basin in 1943 to provide explanation.According, to him Atlantic forms midland basin between UK and USA.It is not a barrier but a facilitator.This is the reason why there is much similarity in culture and economy and they serve as a single nation.Thus,control of midland basin like heartland too has potential to dominate world.Thus, heartland and midland basin concept envisaged a bipolar world.

1.Wrong Historical Assumption: There has been hardly power struggle between land power and sea power.Instead,it is sea power which has more often indulged in superiority battles.
2.Overgeneralization of history: Not only geography influence history but socio-economic,political,demographic factors to play important role in deciding course of history.
3.Not a Natural Fort: In reality heartland is more accessible than predicted by mackinder and also it is place of many natural hazards,disease,etc too.
4.Geography is not sole factor in emergence of superior powers but political,social,economic factors too play a major role.
5.Neglecting Air power: Mackinder failed to take in account air stikes,nuclear arsenals,ballistic missiles,etc.
6.Mercator projection :  shows US and USSR pole apart but in actual spherical earth they are very close.

1.Pre-Cold war era
  • Bolshevik revolution and emergence of USSR
  • Construction of trans siberian railway improving connectivity of heartland
  • Defeat of germans by russian army
  • Expansion of Russia under communist regime.
2.Cold war Period
  • Cuban Missile crisis
  • Spread of influence of russia through communism

3 Present time significance
a.Delegitimization of colonialism and Imperialism: At the time Mackinder gave his theory,imperialism and colonialism was integral part of international order.Thus, concept of world dominance by a power was possible.However,in present order it is nearly impossible for a big dominant power to emerge.
B. Importance of Economic integration: Thus war is rare in economically integrated world as both will suffer great economic losses.
c.Nuclear Deterrence: Decrease in war and invasions.

a.Emergence of China-Russia-Pakistan axis to counter USA seems to be a application of heartland theory to control geopolitics.
b.Even after collapse of soviet union, russia remains a major power with second largest nuclear arsenal and frequent military adventurism like in Ukraine,Crimea.

c.Discovery of hydrocarbons in volga,caspian basins,etc.


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