Thursday, November 16, 2017

Rimland Theory

It was given by John Spykman which was published posthumously. It was a reaction to Mackinder’s Heartland Theory.He also believed in historical struggle between land and sea powers.But, his view were similar to Alfred Mahan’s idea of supremacy of sea power.
1.Climatic hazards and physiographic difficulties
2.Non-ecumen region devoid of most important human resource.Thus,Resources remain unutilized.
4.Accessible from west and south West and merely few hours distance from N America

It was similar to Mackinder’s inner crescent which comprised 3 sections
1.European Coast
2.Arabian middle east desert land
3.Asiatic monsoon land

1.¾ th of population and most of world resources like coal,petroleum,iron ore,etc.
2.Largest agricultural tract.
3.Suitable climate.
4.Variety of human race.

According to him,those who control rimland,rules eurasia.And who rules eurasia controls destinies of world.

It remained relevant till the end of cold war period

  1. Geopolitics related to west asia.
  2. USSR spreading communism over eastern europe,china,korea and Vietnam.
  3. Geopolitics in indian ocean.
  4. Formation of indian Ocean Rim
  5. Look east and look west policy of India

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