Friday, August 4, 2017

Imagination Dwellers

I may sound idealistic may be bookish.I am infamous for romanticizing life and coloring it with philosophies that rarely exist in real life. I believe in miracles.I assume life to be much deeper than what it appears to us. Yes,
many schools of thought exists. one school of thought asks for proof to believe in things and even talking of such things. I prefer to call them proof dwellers.Other school of thought is open to things which is yet to be proved.The imagination dwellers.These people puts no restrictions on their imaginations and seek them in reality.People asking for proof, in my, opinion makes existence dull,life shallow and universe a limited laboratory.They are those who fail to gift world with new things.
I am a imagination dweller.I am a believer. I don't always need proof for believing in things, I remain engrossed and amazed with what could possibly exist. I think all the miraculous inventions and discoveries have been sense defying.These were revealed by people who were imagination dwellers. Proof seekers would have laughed at the thought of wireless communication,touch phone or even aeroplanes.
Human mind in natural state is imagination dweller.Nature tends to make it so.Observe the nature and you can see how secretly and in sense defying manner it works and then it,itself reveals those secrets.Take an example. Light which appears white is made up of 7 colors. These colors though travel in same path have different velocities. This is a secret of nature.But, it reveals it too.Rainbow formation is the event.It reveals what secret is hidden in the white light. isn't it sense defying.If some imagination dweller,after lots of thinking and experience would have understood this secret, proof dwellers might have ridiculed him.
Nature has more intricate secrets.Curiosity seems to be general tendency in human mind.Imagination seems to be a weapon of mind.Thus, talking like an imagination dweller, whole existence seems to be a puzzle game with thinking brain.There is no limit to the complexity of secrets and hence no limit to the imagination.A design, though hazy , seems to exist.
Talk about one of the greatest secret of nature till now and one of the greatest brain till now.I am talking about phenomenon of Relativity and Albert Einstein. Relativity is one of the greatest secret of nature. Do you know time is a dimension? if you are standing still and one of your friend is moving with some speed, then he is no only travelling in 3D space but also in time.If x time has passed for you, time passed for him is slightly lesser.Watch he is wearing will slow down.Yes,it will.sense defying it is.But, this can not be observed at lower velocity.As change would be too small to be noticed or recorded.But if speed increase to a very high level, then relativity is observer.Time dilatation can be seen. Time will pass very less for you and if you reach speed of light time stops for you.You must have seen this in movie interstellar.
Thus, nature has different level of secrets and will keep it revealing in its own way.However, white light secret can be said to be of lower order which nature proves very easily. However, relativity secret is of very high order.Once mankind develops technology for space travel, it will observe it and nature's secret will be revealed. Now, you can see Einstein, an imagination dweller has revealed a secret much before it can be observe or sensed in normal condition.He, however,proved it later.But, Einstein believed in relativity much before relativity existed.
Yes, i am proud of being imagination dweller as nature want us to be like it.Proof dwellers will exist too. But, in a wonderful design what nature is they always be a villain to be defeated in the end.
P.S: I am not giving antithesis to scientific attitude.Science is an asset to mankind.I am against attitude which brings science in the realm of bigotry, which doesn't develop out of true understanding of science but ignorant and arrogant behavior that affects human psyche.Rest is your interpretation.
Thank You.

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