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Showing posts from July, 2017

Areal Differentiation

Areal differentiation refers to a approach of study of discipline of geography wherein places on earth are categorized into different regions or differentiated from each other based on certain criteria.This approach leads to study of uniqueness of or peculiarity of a region and causative factor responsible for the uniqueness .For example, urban region and rural region can be differentiated and these regions are studies for their unique features. Alongwith spatial analysis and landscape approaches , this is often seen as one of the three major approaches to understanding in human geography It is indeed the oldest western tradition of geographical inquiry, tracing its beginnings to the Greeks, Hecataeus of Miletus and Strabo Some of the earliest geographical scholars, including Strabo and Ibn Khaldun, sought to describe and catalog variations in the places and cultures they encountered, or were informed about by others For much of the historical development of geogr...

Settlement Geography: Primate City

Concept of primate city was given by Mark Jefferson in 1939. Primate city  refers to largest city in a country or a region which is disproportionately larger in  population from the second ranked city in that country or the region. This concept  was based on inductive study done by Jefferson over 51 countries.He compared the population of largest and second rated cities and made following observations: For 27 countries: P 1 /P 2 > 2 For 18 countries: P 1 /P 2 > 3 For 6 countries: P 1 /P 2 > 1.2   ; where :  P 1 and P 2 are populations of first and second ranked cities. Thus, in most of the countries he found that 1st ranked city was disproportionately  larger than second ranked city.This he named primate city. Thus, mathematically, it was expressed as: P 1 /P 2 >= 2 Examples INDIA: No Primacy if country as a whole is considered.If divided into regions then primacy is witnessed i.e: MEXICO: P(Mexico ...

Quantitative revolution in Geography

Definition QR refers to gain in emphasis of the use of mathematical and statistical tools or physical sciences to search for models,laws and theories in geography. Antecedents During the late 1940s and early 1950s, many events and developments presented threat to geography as an academic subject.Some of them are: The closing of many geography departments and courses in universities took place, e.g., the abolition of the geography program at Harvard University There was continuing division between human and physical geography – general talk of human geography becoming an autonomous subject. Geography was regarded as overly descriptive and unscientific –it was claimed that there was no explanation of why processes or phenomena occurred. Geography was seen as exclusively educational –there were few if any applications of contemporary geography. Continuing debates regarding what geography is –science, art, humanity or social science–took place. After World War ...